Eucalyptus Park: A Breath of Fresh Air in Anaheim

Off the infamous 91 freeway, Eucalyptus Park is a few blocks away from a shopping center. It isn’t exactly remote, and it’s in a neighborhood, but the park still manages to have some decent foliage.

Biodiversity in Eucalyptus Park: More Than Just Eucalyptus

There is, of course, eucalyptus.

Eucalyptus Park

There are also blossoms, and hummingbirds, and other species of birds flying around.

Eucalyptus Park bbq

A few people have their dogs, but mostly children play at the plastic playground.

The Vibrant Community Life of Eucalyptus Park

Eucalyptus is a typical family park for Anaheim, with a baseball field, signs to pick up after your dog, park benches, and a few barbecues.

In my time visiting parks, though, I have never seen anyone use one of these barbecues.

Eucalyptus Park bbq

The park immediately has a good atmosphere.

As I pull up to the park, I see a couple of older ladies seated at the bench seemingly in a deep conversation.

Eucalyptus Park

There is a young woman playing catch with her dog.

Eucalyptus Park

Some parents watch their children play on the jungle gym.

They yell out to their kids joyfully.

Eucalyptus Park bin

While there is a full basketball court, no one is using it.

Eucalyptus Park baseball field

Beyond the public restrooms is a gazebo with a few picnic tables.

Eucalyptus Park gazebo

The area is taken by specific people with permits at certain times, which is evidenced by the sign indicating such.

I find it curious that you can even rent out the space at a public park.

Exploring the Park: A Walk Through Eucalyptus

I take a stroll through the field, around the baseball diamond, and into the shade deep into the trees.

It is a very pleasant area, with all kinds of foliage toward the houses and at the furthest point from the playground.

Eucalyptus Park

I circle back slowly, taking in the environment.

Eucalyptus Park

The homes around the park are quite nice.

Since we are closer to Buena Park than we are the center of Anaheim, there is little crime and no homeless people at this park.

Eucalyptus Park

It’s refreshing.

Eucalyptus Park picknick table

The parks I have been documenting lately in Anaheim have had a problem with homeless people and other vagabonds hanging around.

Eucalyptus Park

That doesn’t mean the park won’t have a good vibe, but sometimes it hinders the overall park experience.

If you’re interested, you can check out my comprehensive guide to the 15 Best Parks in Anaheim (Ranked Best to Worst) for a detailed comparison and ranking.

Furthermore, there isn’t much trash here.

Eucalyptus Park

It’s uncanny.

There aren’t that many trash cans—certainly not as many as other places—but it is free of garbage, nonetheless.

The park isn’t as large as some the others I’ve been to.

Eucalyptus Park

It’s not even as big as La Palma Park or Twila Reid for that matter, but I can’t help but notice that the locals have taken care of this area better than some of the others I’ve seen.

This is a family-friendly and wholesome park.

Not only is Eucalyptus Park a great place to bring your kids, but I also saw multiple dog owners playing with their canine friends.

Eucalyptus Park

There are multiple places to get bags for the dog’s excrement and signs that urge people to pick up after them.

I see no dog poop anywhere, so it seems to be working.

The dog owners I see seem serious about playing with their dogs, training them, and picking up after them.

Eucalyptus Park

Why Locals Love Eucalyptus Park

While you probably won’t go out of your way to enjoy this park, Eucalyptus is great for locals.

Perhaps its distance and local patrons are what make the park pleasant.

It feels like a good place to be at anytime of day.

Eucalyptus Park

This contrasts with some of the parks I’ve been to, Schweitzer for example.

It doesn’t feel as though this park ever gets dangerous or sketchy at night.

It has a care-free and positive aura.

Eucalyptus Park

Not every park feels like this.

I spend some time walking into and out of the shade, admiring how the Sun peers through the leaves and the branches.

It is a gorgeous day.

Eucalyptus Park

Blue sky, little wind, but not too hot.

It’s a classic California afternoon.

Walking there, I wonder why so many people take the California weather for granted.

Eucalyptus Park

It’s the middle of the summer and it isn’t that hot outside.

The humidity is low and overall, the temperature is great.

Still, what sets this park apart from the ones I’ve been to recently is just the overall pleasant atmosphere.

Eucalyptus Park

People seem happy to be here.

It isn’t drab or depression.

Eucalyptus Park has the quintessential environment of a local park.

Eucalyptus Park

It is suburban, tucked away from city life but not too hard to get to.

Of course, everything in California requires driving but if you lived in one of these nice houses taking a stroll over to the park would be completely lovely.

Eucalyptus Park parking lot

It might just be that I’ve been going to some parks with a local of city traffic, but Eucalyptus is a breath of fresh air.

It is nothing but nice to be at.

You can play a pick-up basketball game, bring the friends for some baseball, watch your children play at the playground, or use one of the barbecues no one seems to be using.

Eucalyptus Park

It is a popular place to walk the dog.

Bringing a book and sitting under a tree would be lovely.

How about a picnic under the gazebo.

Eucalyptus Park gazebo

The odds of you coming from far away to visit Eucalyptus Park are low, but if you know that you’re close by it’s worth a trip.

Stop by Mother’s Market nearby and grab some snacks.

Bring a book, a dog, or your kids.

Eucalyptus Park

Enjoy the sunshine and the shade.

Take a rest at the picnic tables.

Conclusion: Eucalyptus Park, a Breath of Fresh Air in Anaheim

It’s not that Eucalyptus Park has so much to offer.

It’s a standard park.

But it’s a standard park done well.

Eucalyptus Park

It is clean, well-kept with no riffraff.

There’s no garbage or reason to worry about the safety of your children.

The unsavory aspects of Anaheim are kept out while the good parts are present.

Eucalyptus Park

Perhaps it’s just that I’ve seen a lot of parks with homeless people and trash on the ground, but this park has an exceptional vibe.

The children laugh, the birds chirp, people play with their dogs, and take a walk.

There’s not much more you can ask for from a local park.

Eucalyptus Park
Ryan Beitler
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Hello! My name is Ryan Beitler and I am a professional copywriter and blogger. I graduated with a degree in Literary Journalism, which basically means I double majored in English and Journalism. I also have a travel blog and am finishing my first novel.

Born and raised in the sunny city of Anaheim, California, Ryan Beitler has always been an explorer at heart. his passion for adventure and discovering the beauty of the world around him has been the driving force behind his successful career as a travel blogger. With an insatiable curiosity for uncovering hidden gems and connecting with diverse cultures, Ryan has transformed his love for travel into a lifestyle that has inspired countless others.