“The finest things in life are free,” as the saying goes, and this is surely true on Sandbridge Beach. Whether you’re swimming in the surf, exploring grass-covered dunes, fishing right off the beach, or relaxing at a free outdoor concert, you and your family will have no shortage of free outdoor entertainment. You may go through this list of free things to do in Sandbridge VA and then plan how to get the most out of your stay.

1. Take a look at the sunrise and sunset.
There are few vistas more breathtaking than dawn over the sea… unless it’s sunset over the sound. Both of these amazing natural wonders may be seen from Sandbridge. Visit the beach early in the morning to see the sun gently rise over the horizon. Sip your coffee and enjoy the cold morning wind and tangy aroma of the spray as birds circle above and waves wash the coast. Return later that day for a full-color sunset spectacular. It may be seen straight from the Back Bay coast, or its pink reflection can be seen illuminating the whole ocean. It’s memorable in any case.
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2. Go for a Beach Workout.
At the beach, everything is great, even your regular workout. Set your shop early in the morning before the temps rise. Bring your barbells, a towel, and a bottle of water… You go about your business while listening to the crashing ocean and soaking up all that Vitamin D
3. Do you prefer Pilates or Yoga?
Consider Sandbridge Beach to be your own outdoor yoga classroom. Stretch your mat out and begin striking postures in this serene environment. The quiet murmur of the waves, the cool caress of the air, and the sense of oneness with nature will all appeal to you. Namaste!
4. Go Shelling
Because staff sweep the beaches every day to remove seashells and other “nuisances,” you won’t find many shells up at Virginia Beach. But it’s a different scenario down at Sandbridge Beach. Our lovely shells are treasured! Furthermore, our beach is recognized as one of the top shelling beaches on the East Coast, which is why you’ll find beachcombers out every day combing the sand for the best specimens. Come join them and have a good time. See how many enormous, flawless shells you and your family can discover – or how many little, fragile ones. It’s a win-win situation for everyone! Children like “hearing the sound of the sea” by holding conch shells to their ears. Adults like collecting beautiful shells and unique shark’s teeth for crafts and decoration.
5. Go Fish.
You’ll need a Virginia fishing license – freshwater, saltwater, or both – but that’s not a problem: licenses are inexpensive and can be obtained online or at most bait-and-tackle stores. With a valid license, you may fish for free almost any place in Sandbridge. Saltwater favorites like drum, bluefish, croaker, and flounder may be caught from the shore. Alternatively, try trolling for largemouth bass, crappie, and channel catfish in Back Bay.
6. Take pleasure in your “Catch of the Day.”
Simply clean your prize game fish, fillet it (if wanted), and cook it in the pan. Nothing surpasses fresh trout or flounder cooked in butter and seasoned with herbs and spices. Add a fresh garden salad and your favorite cool beverage, and you’ve got yourself a summertime feast to remember.
7. Crabbing
In the shallow waters surrounding Sandbridge Beach, Virginia, blue crabs thrive. Head out at night with a lamp or lantern, a length of string, a bucket, and some meaty bait for the greatest results (such as a chicken neck). Cast the meat into the water after tying it to the string. Twitch the hanging line now and then to draw surrounding crabs’ attention. A crab (or two) may grab onto the flesh within minutes. Draw the clinging crab up and place it in your bucket. Daytime crabbing is also a good option, and children like it. No license is required, although there are certain limitations: Blue crabs must be a specific size, and you can only catch one bushel every day. You must also keep your crabs alive until they are cooked. Boil them and serve with drawn butter for a simple yet delicious delicacy. Yum!
8. Make a classic sandcastle.
Alternatively, try your hand at more creative sand creations, such as turtles, birds, and palm trees. You may even make a life-size sand mermaid by lying down and covering yourself in sand, then adding fins and flowing hair. Immediately, Ariel! Your children, as well as yourself, will be in stitches. Make sure to bring your camera.
9. Be creative.
Sandbridge Beach is the ideal location for rediscovering your creative side. Write a poem on the beauty you see around you or the sentiments you get when you hear the waves crashing on the coast. Make up a short narrative about folks you observe going along the street or on the beach. Take a snapshot every day (or twenty!) to document your journey. (They’d be fantastic in a scrapbook or album.) Keep a little notebook to record noteworthy facts. Additionally, acquire driftwood and sand dollars for your creative projects.
10. Participate in the Game.
Little Island District Park has a beautiful public beach and a large picnic space, as well as cutting-edge amenities for all types of outdoor activities. Shoot hoops, play tennis, pickleball (the newest craze), or engage in a hard game of beach volleyball. After that, stop for lunch at the shaded picnic spot after you’ve worked up an appetite. You may get a free charcoal grill and prepare your own delicious BBQ. You’ll also have access to well-kept public bathrooms. Kayaks, paddleboards, and fishing poles may all be rented if desired (for fishing off of nearby Little Island Pier).
11. Go for a Walk.
When was the last time you went on a stroll with no set destination? You may spend hours exploring Sandbridge Beach’s gentle, sandy beaches and welcoming stores and towns. Who can say? You could make some new acquaintances, see some famous local animals, or discover the ideal picnic site.
12. Play in the Sand
Make a kind message in the sand for the next person that passes by. Make “sand angels” (like the snowy ones) – a popular kid’s activity. Count how many footprints you can find while you go down the beach.
13. Finish the book you’re reading.
On your journey to Sandbridge Beach, don’t forget to bring your favorite book or e-reader. As you soak in the sun and listen to the waves lullaby, you’ll be turning pages in no time. Visit the Princess Anne Area Library if you’re looking for something fresh to read.
14. Fill a bottle with a message.
Place a simple letter (with your contact information) in a glass bottle and send it on an exciting voyage to sea. You never know where it will go or who you may meet as a consequence of it.
15. Go swimming and surfing.
You wouldn’t go to the beach unless you intended to swim in it. Sandbridge Beach has lots of stunning shoreline to explore, so select your favorite spot to splash about. You are welcome to bring your dog, surfboard, or paddleboard as well. Then get right in. The water is fantastic!
Final words
As you can see, there is no need to spend even a penny out of your pocket to do these free things. Just take a look at the activities and make sure that you get the most at the end of the day.
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